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Opening Soon |  Michael's Store in Riverside

Opening Soon | Michael's Store in Riverside

@michaelsstores is opening soon, very soon, at the Woodcrest Plaza in Riverside. The grand opening will be on January 26th so get ready!

Michaels is North America's largest provider of arts & crafts supplies for the at home makers and DIYers. There are over 1,200 stores throughout the US and Canada. Michael’s also gives back to the community. They have donated 31,000 craft kits to Project Sunshine for hospitals to give to kids facing illness and other medical challenges. These kits are designed to inspire play and engagement, spark joy and provide therapeutic value to the physical and emotional healing process.

Congrats to E&A members Vic Montalbo, Mike Getz, and Lee Ann Fineberg for representing the tenant on this deal.

Want to know more about Michael’s and bring one to an area near you? Contact Vic Montalbo, Mike Getz, and Lee Ann Fineberg for more information.

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