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Michael Epsteen

BRE #: 00233430

About Michael

After Michael graduated from UCLA’s School of Business, majoring in Real Estate he then did his duty as an officer in the US Army. In 1961 he became a Licensed Real Estate Broker in the state of California. In 1962 he was hired by Sam Price, who was one of the leading retail broker specialists in the Country. It was at this time that he began to realize that his business was not just knowing Retail Real Estate but it also included knowing the art and science of retail itself, all of which triggered his true love of the business. For almost 60 years, his entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm, his vast market knowledge, background and experience with start-up companies has led to his successful specialization and forefront position in retail chain store leasing. In the early years he considered all of CA., OR., WA. AZ to be his market-place however as the County’s population grew he narrowed his attention to the Southern California Market which became one of the hottest market places for retail growth.

During the next twelve years in the business, he worked independently and cooperatively, mastering chain-store development and leasing. He began by representing Landlord-Developers but in time the retailers he met kept asking him to find them new locations and before he knew it he had an impressive client list of hot, fast moving retail merchants. Michael founded EPSTEEN & ASSOCIATES, which now represents more than sixty chain stores. His theory of quality vs. quantity of brokers, endorses a leaner and more knowledgeable associates’ team throughout California with an office located in West Los Angeles.

Leading the field of corporate and independent chain store brokers, EPSTEEN & ASSOCIATES specializes in growth strategy, site selection and lease negotiations for chain store Retailers and Brick & Mortar service operators. Representing both Landlords and Merchant Tenants. his brokerage company has a client list of some of the most sought-after and successful promotional merchant retailers on the West Coast, including Ross Stores, Sees, Aldi, Starbucks, Petco, Capital One and many others. When retail Merchants wanted to enter the CA. Marketplace or need a roll-out specialists, the firm to contact is E & A

Michael is the founding member of Chainlinks, the nation’s largest affiliation of retail only real estate specialists who represent the foremost retail chain stores as well as some of the Country's leading shopping center developers, endorsing progressive expansion programs and located in all major metropolitan markets and in Europe.

Retail Real Estate